Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary Believe celebrates two decades of the brand that revolutionized the Dominican cigar industry when introduced in 1995. Nestled in the valley of El Cibao, Dominican Republic, lies Chateau de la Fuente, home to the most sought-after cigar of our time, the coveted Fuente Fuente OpusX. Fuente Fuente Opus X 20 year celebration Believe cigar, a Robusto-sized medium-bodied version of the original OpusX made entirely with smooth estate-grown Dominican tobaccos. The Fuente family cultivates glorious wrapper tobacco that has become the foundation for the renowned Fuente Fuente OpusX cigars, the first-ever 100% Dominican Puro. You are going to want to get your hands on one of these collector boxes!
Fuente Fuente Opus X 20 year celebration - regarded as the pinnacle of cigar perfection and the standard by which all cigars are measured. "I wanted to produce something I remembered. To go way back to my childhood. Go back to the happiest moments of my life. I wanted my grandfather to be proud of me. My father to be proud of me. And someday, my children to be proud of me. It was something I had to do." says Carlito Fuente about how he created the Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary Believe. So buy some today if you are lucky enough to find them in stock!